The lodge entirely dedicated to your wedding


We offer you a complete Lodge to welcome all your guests, in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts. Talk to your wedding planner.

The perfect place!

The chic black and white of our Hotel and our wedding hall are a perfect match for the most important celebration of your life. All wedding planners love our private group hotel concept. If you don't have an organizer, we can recommend a few people chosen with choice.


Personalized experience

From caterer to venue decor, DJ and photographer, we personalize the entire experience so you can have the perfect wedding. Thanks to our 18 rooms that can accommodate up to 50 people, you will have plenty of time to celebrate with all your loved ones gathered under the same roof.


An Intimate Wedding

Vous rêvez de célébrer votre mariage en toute intimité, entourés de vos proches, dans un espace grandiose où vous pouvez tous vous sentir à l’aise et festoyer? C’est la proposition que nous vous faisons : une Auberge complète dédiée à votre réception et à vos invités! Qu'attendez-vous pour réserver l'Auberge du lac des Sables?


Personalized experience

From caterer to venue decor, DJ and photographer, we can recommend our trusted organizer to personalize your experience. Thanks to our 18 rooms that can accommodate up to 50 people, you will have plenty of time to celebrate with all your loved ones gathered under the same roof.


An Intimate Wedding

Do you dream of celebrating your wedding privately, surrounded by your loved ones, in a grandiose space where you can all feel comfortable and celebrate? Our offering: a complete Lodge dedicated to your reception and your guests! What are you waiting for to book the Auberge du lac des Sables?


A one-of-a-kind celebration

Don't wait any longer!

Book your stay today!

Follow your heart...

But if your heads needs convincing

Good reasons to organize your private wedding

  • To offer a unique, warm and authentic experience to all your guests.
  • Enjoy the high standard of comfort of the hotel.
  • To have a dream wedding weekend for the bride and groom and their guests.
  • Gather family and friends in the same place for an intimate wedding. Ceremony and reception at the lodge.

The little extras of our unique Lodge in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts

  • More time to really enjoy the presence of your friends and family.
  • More common areas for discussion before and after the wedding reception.
  • More luxury with a hotel that stands out for its design and quality of materials.
  • More activities to do near the lodge.